October Tree Pruning Tips

For an amateur tree trimmer, autumn may not be the best time of year to prune trees and shrubs. For the professional arborist, like the folks that provide services at Wauson Tree Service, any time of the year is fair game.Consider the following October tree pruning tips:

  • During the early autumn, wounds caused by pruning can close more slowly. Plants and trees are far more at risk for fungal diseases. Late winter is an opportune time because tree wounds tend to close more quickly.
  • Pruning in the fall should be attempted after trees have dropped their leaves and become dormant. It's easy to see the tree's structure and identify diseases or insect problems more easily.
  • Fall is the perfect time to remove dead, damaged or diseased wood. It's best to hire a professional arborist to remove large limbs, out of reach branches or other large jobs that are tough to handle.
  • Late summer and early fall pruning can help stimulate a tree or shrub's growth.

Why Hire a Professional Arborist?Tree pruning can be dangerous business, especially if the job requires working above ground or using heavy equipment. Arborists, like those employed by Wauson Tree Service, are trained to determine what type of pruning works best. They can also provide the trusted services of a well-trained crew, required safety equipment and proper liability insurance.A professional tree pruning service will be able to provide proof of:

  • Professional membership in professional organizations such as the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), or the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA)
  • ISA Certification
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Legitimate references

Wauson Tree Service has provided stellar tree-trimming services for over 50 years. Services include tree trimming, tree and stump removal, tree cabling, tree bracing, fertilization and more.Don't trust your tree-pruning needs to anyone other than a professional service. Call Wauson Tree Service today for a free quote. Call today at 214-450-8720, or email at Walt [at] wausontreeservice [dot] com. 


Why Hire an Arborist?


What's the Best Time of Year to Prune Trees in Dallas?