November - Pack Away the Pruning Shears

So what it is about fall that makes people literally thirst to get out in the yard and prune? It just might be all the mulching and raking that’s driving people batty. Sure, you can count on the fact that fall will expose every tree’s imperfections when leaves tumble to the ground. However, before you start hacking trees and shrubs, consider a few tips from the experts who prune for a living.

    1. Trees and shrubs in the fall are ready to go dormant. Pruning during the fall stimulates growth, and this can severely weaken their growth. Let’s say that you prune during a warm day when normal weather is cold. Sap will rise up in the plant. At night the temperature drops below freezing, and it’s not a pretty sight in the morning.

2. Keep in mind that few plants and shrubs require pruning. Trees should usually be pruned during winter or in early spring.

    3. The experts know when proper pruning should occur. They also know that pruning trees and shrubs near the home helps plants and trees to yield more fruit and flowers. This also helps benefit local wildlife. It also helps trees to fight off pests and diseases.
    4. Never prune while it’s wet. The dampness can actually help spread disease because damp weather encourages fast growth of microbes. Sunlight and warmer weathers tends to kill harmful bacteria and microbes that cause disease.
    5. It’s all about knowing when and where to hack. When it’s the proper time for pruning, dead and dying branches are the first to go. Sickly looking branches are next. If there is a smaller branch rubbing against a larger branch, prune the smaller branch and cut it as close to the tree as possible. Cut branches, properly, that protrude out as they can be an entry point for bacterial and disease. The experts know exactly where to prune branches. There are trees that can be pruned from winter until the sap starts flowing once again in spring. The list includes Beauty Berries, Crabapple, Spruce, and Poplar to name a few.
    6. We know we recommended to pack away the pruning shears until spring, but there are always those who will venture out into the backyard during fall and winter months. Make sure your tools are kept clean. This is especially so if you’re cutting diseased branches. Hot water and soap will kill most germs on tools. Wash and dry them well before using to prune from tree to tree.

We also recommend that you get to know the trees and shrubs in your yard. There are actually apps like Leafsnap and Plantifier that can help you identify plants, or trees, in your yard. Yes, there’s an app for everything. In today’s world, there’s really no reason not to stay informed on anything. There’s an infinite amount of information available.You can always call an expert arborist out to personally take a look at your property and to advise with respect to pruning trees and shrubs.Why Hire a Certified Arborist?A fair question indeed. First, an arborist is someone who has achieved a high level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care. They have met the criteria from the nation’s leading experts on tree care. They must also continue to update and upgrade their education to maintain their certification.At Wauson Tree Service, we have all the bases covered. With over 50 years of exceptional service, and prices that are nearly impossible to beat, we deliver the type of services our customers can depend on. And we do it within their budget. Give us a call today to learn more about our services.Give us a call today at 214.450.8720. Email at


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