Tree Removal Services in the Dallas Area

There can be many reasons you might need the services of an expert tree removal service crew. Some of the most common reasons for the need to remove a—or several—trees include:

  • Diseased trees. These could eventually fall and endanger property, or worse, injure or kill people.
  • Early Tree Removal Saves Money...Sometimes Lives!
  • Damaged trees. There are all sorts of ways trees can be damaged, requiring removal to maintain safety. From lightning strikes, high winds, excessive size/weight leading to weakening limbs, etc. The recent snows that hit North and Central Texas, setting the “most snow within an 24-hour period in Texas history” record, resulted in many tree boughs breaking, necessitating many trees be removed or undergoing major tree pruning services.
  • Liability Issues. Not only are the dangers of falling trees or boughs merely dangers to individuals or property, but also the possibility of liability for such falling on some other person’s property, family members, etc, resulting in liability problems. When such dangers exist, it’s best to engage in expert tree removal to avoid those potential scenarios.
  • Construction Renovations. At times, tree removal is dictated by constructional renovations such as add-ons, or the building of additional structures, where the existence of trees will get in the way; in such cases, renovations win out! Only experts in the task should execute tree removal.

At Wauson Tree Service, we have 50 years experience in not only tree removal, but also every other tree service you can imagine, from tree pruning, stump removal, tree cabling, fertilization, and much more.We’re family owned—for three generations, now—and we don’t sub-contract out to other providers, so our prices are typically the lowest, in addition to you having the assurance of getting the very best combination of expertise and price.We back up our work, beginning with FREE QUOTES, just fill out the form to the right, give me a call 214-450-8720, or email me at walt {at} wausontreeservice {dot} com TODAY! Don’t put things off until it’s too late.


Dallas Lot Clearing Services


Tree Pruning Services in the Dallas Area